For a child growing up in Pap-Onditi, education is the only path to a better future.
If you ask parents in the community, they will tell you- it is the one thing they want most for their sons and daughters.
It is the only thing that can rescue their children from an almost certain future of subsistence farming and manual labor. For girls, it is the only thing that is proven to prevent early marriage and delay childbearing.
In short, achieving an education is what determines their fate.
And it all happens before most students turn 15.

We recognize the challenges faced by families that struggle to put their children through school. We work closely with the Konditi Primary School and the community to identify students with high potential for academic success, whose families are unable to pay for further education due to hardship.

With the help of generous donors, we provide full tuition scholarships for these students to attend local and regional high schools. We pay all the costs associated with their education, including room, board, uniforms and school supplies. We track their progress and make sure they continue to excel.
Join us in helping to sponsor a student to attend high school. Learn more about our Scholarship Program and contact us if you have further questions. It is an investment in the future that will forever change the life of a young person for the better.
I-KODI is a registered, tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization