Each day, we make difficult decisions about how to tackle problems that undermine the ability of strong and determined people to secure a better future. In a place where poverty is rampant and resources scarce, where do we begin?
At I-KODI, we being by asking questions.
We gather the people who know best- mothers, fathers, caregivers, teachers and representatives from the community. We talk about their daily challenges. And together we develop integrated solutions that speak directly to their most pressing needs.
- We begin by digging wells to provide a reliable and safe source of clean water at the school and throughout the community.
- We provide food directly to those most in need-children at the primary school and caregivers of AIDS orphans.
- We support teachers at the primary school and provide scholarships for students to further their education.
- We provide small, sustainable solar lights, household water filters, and cookstoves to lighten the burden on mothers and caregivers.
We work as a team to implement and monitor our programs. To expand and address new challenges as they arise.
We have been working with this community for many years, making steady forward progress. We will be here for many years to come.
We invite you to learn more about our programs. Join us in working together with this community to provide a better future.
Support for Primary School Teachers
Early Childhood Education Center and Program